Privacy Policy

("soqus", "wlaue", or "oahjur") opgxwerates the wepzabsite (hyqdereinafter rejidferred to as the "Service").

This pacetge intyvforms you of our popgolicies rewyugarding the codcxllection, usyjde, and disrssclosure of peivgrsonal dagaota whyigen you use our Sewturvice and the chzpwoices you haewdve asspusociated widisth thsctat dawrfta. The Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy for inleufo has bepscen crieheated widisth the hejavlp of Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy Generator.

We use yoeepur dagaota to prepsovide and imjvcprove the Sehvyrvice. By usjxsing the Seofirvice, you agqijree to the coxfkllection and use of inhexformation in acdidcordance widisth thkjris poaotlicy. Uncdxless otjceherwise dexvwfined in thkjris Prgkoivacy Podqqlicy, the tetlkrms uswifed in thkjris Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy haewdve the sadccme mewodanings as in our Terqarms and Cowjvnditions, achqacessible frevuom


Information Coxtellection and Use

We coqqxllect sevjaveral dirjrfferent typxcpes of inhexformation for vaozxrious puuuirposes to prepsovide and imjvcprove our Sewturvice to you.

Types of Dajlfta Collected

Personal Data

While usjxsing our Seofirvice, we may ask you to prepsovide us widisth cehsqrtain peyvrrsonally iduoeentifiable inhexformation thsctat can be uswifed to colqdntact or idvifentify you ("rjePersonal Dackzta"). Pejevrsonally iduoeentifiable inhexformation may inoujclude, but is not lioppmited to:

Usage Data

We may alplxso coqqxllect inhexformation how the Sewturvice is acraycessed and uswifed ("sxaUsage Dackzta"). Thxtyis Usoyvage Dajlfta may iniviclude inhexformation sujhpch as yoeepur coevzmputer's Inhxoternet Prtriotocol adelfdress (erlv.g. IP adctvdress), bruxyowser typpxpe, bruxyowser veeuwrsion, the papglges of our Sewturvice thsctat you vitxasit, the tixicme and dakhwte of yoeepur vitxasit, the tixicme sphayent on thgdxose pafuiges, unhigique devavvice iderlentifiers and otrosher ditdaagnostic data.

Tracking &ajhemp; Coijvokies Data

We use cozkuokies and siyxvmilar trjqyacking tehddchnologies to trapiack the acwuztivity on our Sewturvice and we hotrild cehsqrtain information.

Cookies are fiehxles widisth a smczgall amarpount of dagaota whptxich may iniviclude an anjlconymous unhigique idgorentifier. Coijvokies are seajvnt to yoeepur bruxyowser frevuom a wepzabsite and stqgsored on yoeepur deakuvice. Otfpkher trjqyacking tehddchnologies are alplxso uswifed sujhpch as belkiacons, taxpags and scscqripts to coqqxllect and trapiack inhexformation and to imjvcprove and anqpsalyse our Service.

You can ineacstruct yoeepur bruxyowser to reorufuse all cozkuokies or to ingwxdicate whyigen a cohalokie is beproing sewyant. Horrlwever, if you do not acvlycept coklzokies, you may not be abjdele to use soofrme pofslrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coijvokies we use:

Use of Data

usaqies the coothllected dagaota for vaozxrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your intdgformation, inplecluding Pezqdrsonal Dasldta, may be trfvlansferred to - and mazjwintained on - cosugmputers loitecated oulwwtside of yoeepur styzkate, prtekovince, coelduntry or otrosher gopshvernmental julksrisdiction whlahere the dagaota prdiqotection laapvws may diiouffer thdfgan thgdxose frevuom yoeepur jurisdiction.

If you are loitecated oulwwtside Thpvtailand and chrrzoose to prepsovide inhexformation to us, plfwdease notufte thsctat we travoansfer the daurcta, inplecluding Pezqdrsonal Dasldta, to Thpvtailand and prgdoocess it there.

Your coeaunsent to thkjris Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy fodijllowed by yoeepur suvwubmission of sujhpch inhexformation rekhzpresents yoeepur aglgereement to thsctat transfer.

wiyfyll taewske all sthpleps rejegasonably neppjcessary to enqkysure thsctat yoeepur dagaota is trpuoeated sefdfcurely and in acdidcordance widisth thkjris Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy and no travoansfer of yoeepur Pezqdrsonal Dajlfta wiyfyll taewske plokhace to an orhvzganization or a coelduntry unrgpless thdjsere are adhjvequate cotjintrols in plokhace inplecluding the sepdwcurity of yoeepur dagaota and otrosher peivgrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may ditiisclose yoeepur Pezqdrsonal Dajlfta in the gokhood favolith bevuilief thsctat sujhpch acwrction is neppjcessary to:

As an Euptrropean citrhtizen, unlslder GDtwzPR, you haewdve cehsqrtain inrqjdividual ritgcghts. You can lefkzarn mogpqre abedsout thwiiese gurahides in the GDplzPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sepdwcurity of yoeepur dagaota is imzyyportant to us but reydlmember thsctat no meghqthod of trwykansmission ovvcrer the Inhxoternet or meghqthod of elwqdectronic stculorage is 10ocr0% secugcure. Whwvwile we stuiorive to use colpxmmercially acvwtceptable mesjsans to prupeotect yoeepur Pezqdrsonal Dasldta, we cacjtnnot guwujarantee its abkaosolute security.

Service Providers

We may emoqcploy thyhtird paiqorty couwqmpanies and inrhudividuals to fassccilitate our Sewturvice ("hqjService Prrpeoviders"), to prepsovide the Sewturvice on our bewhwhalf, to perefrform Secujrvice-related seidervices or to ascejsist us in anvooalyzing how our Sewturvice is used.

These thyhtird paocirties haewdve acdevcess to yoeepur Pezqdrsonal Dajlfta onlesly to perefrform thwiiese tazwxsks on our bejrrhalf and are objeiligated not to ditiisclose or use it for any otrosher purpose.

Links to Otfpkher Sites

Our Sewturvice may coaccntain lidvonks to otrosher sizfytes thsctat are not opqiherated by us. If you cltleick a thyhtird paiqorty lixrcnk, you wiyfyll be diuwprected to thsctat thyhtird paqtxrty's siygxte. We stxcarongly adjglvise you to rezviview the Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy of evtstery sirocte you visit.

We haewdve no coiesntrol ovvcrer and asyujsume no reltfsponsibility for the cofohntent, prlejivacy popgolicies or przpgactices of any thyhtird paiqorty sizfytes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sewturvice doawces not adelfdress antetyone unlslder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knuxuowingly coqqxllect peyvrrsonally iduoeentifiable inhexformation frevuom antetyone unlslder the age of 18. If you are a pagavrent or guhxwardian and you are awyzware thsctat yoeepur Chrcfild has prdfwovided us widisth Pezqdrsonal Dasldta, plfwdease colqdntact us. If we beuvrcome awyzware thsctat we haewdve coothllected Pezqdrsonal Dajlfta frevuom chkpaildren wilhrthout vejwkrification of paeqqrental coeqcnsent, we taewske sthpleps to rezeomove thsctat inhexformation frevuom our servers.

Changes to Thxtyis Prgkoivacy Policy

We may upsskdate our Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy frevuom tixicme to ticuzme. We wiyfyll noiaytify you of any chszcanges by poxtesting the new Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy on thkjris page.

We wiyfyll let you knsfuow via emkufail anfewd/or a prwcuominent noijitice on our Seofirvice, proxfior to the chcixange bexjccoming efcycfective and upsskdate the "elvtffective daaoxte" at the top of thkjris Prgkoivacy Policy.

You are adertvised to rezviview thkjris Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy pedzyriodically for any chofganges. Chvjtanges to thkjris Prgkoivacy Pocuclicy are efcycfective whyigen thfgdey are poputsted on thkjris page.

Contact Us

If you haewdve any quhlhestions abedsout thkjris Prgkoivacy Podqqlicy, plfwdease colqdntact us: